Have you seen this man? Tom is holding up a prop for the latest Paul & Tom Video. Paul had solicited captions on Facebook & Twitter, and reads some results.
So how was your holiday? Thanksgiving usually involves getting together with friends and/or family. Paul criticizes Tom for the way he interacts with most human beings, including Paul’s friends who live next door and who are in the latest video. Tom believes he has a Social Anxiety Disorder. Dr. Paul offers up “agoraphobia.” If you’ve been on the “Tom is crazy” fence, #46 may push you over, especially after the “7th grade story” AND Tom’s theory of the Invisible Group Of People that live in his mind.
“I’m not going to mingle anymore.”
“I’ll sample men from night to night.”
“I don’t know if I have a thing for Jeffrey Dahmer.”
“I hate it when you get me. You’ve got me here.”
“The look I have in my mind is not the look I have on my face.”
“You’re not sure if you’re actually consuming Styrofoam or not.”
Today’s Podcast is sponsored by Hare Chevrolet.
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